July 28, 2020

Adiex says that there are already effects of the pandemic on production

Iván Torres, president of the association of importers and exporters, called for speed in aid and facilities because the "brake" of commercial activities is inevitable.

The expansion of Covid-19 will have economic effects that are difficult to quantify now, but it will. Movement restrictions between countries are already being felt, and companies that have part or all of their business in international markets are noticing it. In Albacete, the president of the Association of Importers and Exporters (Adiex), Iván Torres, told La Tribuna yesterday that the impact on the companies' production chains is inevitable, and that is why it is urgent that the announced public aid be soon a reality.

The United States restrictions on cargo flights (other than passengers) from the Schengen area is an example of how the coronavirus has consequences on commercial activity. Iván Torres said that “of course there is going to be a slowdown in the commercial activities that are going to be carried out; At an international level, this supposes tremendous uncertainty, due to the stop in commercial activities, the cancellation of meetings, visits, the blocking of open operations until it is not clear how it will end... The economic damage that it will cause almost hand in hand with health damage.

The effect on the activity of the companies and the production of the coronavirus remains to be evaluated, but it is here, said Iván Torres: «It is now, it is not in the long run, the effects have already arrived, there are stock breaks, there are delivery problems and reception of equipment, transit of professionals… The economic damage is already originating”. For this reason, the president of importers and exporters in the province claimed "that the announced measures do not remain an announcement, because they are taking a long time to materialize", alluding to proposals made public by the Government, such as "credits for companies , the possibility of deficiencies in tax payments, or the possibility of temporary reductions in employment where Social Security assumes part of the business cost ».

For Iván Torres, the speed in processing all this support from the administrations is essential: "A series of aid must be defined, if it cannot cause enormous tension, even the closure of companies in our region."

Source: The Tribune of Albacete

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