Boletín Informativo
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Ref. TRNL20230925011 Mayorista holandés busca una solución para etiquetas digitales controladas remotamente
The company from the Netherlands is trading many non-food products. Currently all items are stickered manually. It is seeking a digital solution for its labels that is...
Ref. TODE20230918007 Universidad alemana ofrece un recubrimiento anticorrosión respetuoso con el medio ambiente y libre de metales
The present invention of a German university comprises a metal-free, environmental friendly anti-corrosion coating. It consists of an aqueous solution of alkyl-modified phytic...
Ref. TOGB20230919007 Pyme británica ofrece una nueva solución biotecnológica que elimina bacterias no deseadas dentro de un organismo, reduciendo la necesidad de utilizar antibióticos en animales de granja
A UK Scientific SME has developed innovative biotechnology reducing the need to use antibiotics in farmed animals and promoting crop resilience and increased productivity....
Ref. TOSI20230922014 Proveedor esloveno de servicios de fabricación electrónica de conjuntos de placas de circuito impreso (PCB) (PCBA) ofrece creación de prototipos y producción en series pequeñas y medianas de PCBs y/o PCBAs
A Slovenian electronic manufacturing service provider has its own production of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and printed circuit boards assemblies (PCBAs) under one roof...
Ref. TOGR20230925017 Pyme griega ofrece estación meteorológica para la toma de datos en el campo en tiempo real
A Greek SME has developed a smart solution for the agricultural sector that enables the collection and transmission of weather data in real time to the cloud. The client is...
Ref. RDRPL20230912008 Instituto polaco busca socios para HORIZON-CL4-2024-HUMAN-01: Un desarrollo ético y centrado en las personas de las tecnologías digitales e industriales
Polish Institute of Innovative Technologies is planning to create AI.Match platform – an advanced system for automatically matching and parameterizing machine learning (ML)...