Boletín Informativo
EEN Castilla-La Mancha RSS
Introducción a los noticias del boletín de la EENCLM.
Ref. BRNL20241213026 Empresa alemana busca excedentes de alimentos congelados
The Dutch organization focuses on the sustainable redistribution of surplus frozen products, such as food nearing its expiration date or leftovers from canceled orders. The...
Ref. BOHU20241210013 Empresa desarrolladora y fabricante de sistemas anticolisión y control de tráfico para carretillas elevadoras busca socios revendedores.
The Hungarian company is specialized in artificial intelligence-based safety and traffic management solutions for production areas and warehouses. Its solutions enhance both...
Ref. BOUA20241204002 Fabricante ucraniano de fertilizantes busca distribuidores.
A Ukrainian company specialized in design, formulation, manufacture and commercialization of special liquid fertilizers and biostimulants. The company offers a wide variety of...
Los nodos de la Enterprise Europe Network en Castilla La Mancha participan en la Conferencia Anual de Budapest
Durante los días 5 al 8 de noviembre ha tenido lugar la Conferencia Anual Europea que la Enterprise Europe Network organiza en el país que ejerce la Presidencia del Consejo...
Ref.BRSE20241113010 Fábrica sueca de calzado busca proveedores de accesorios y materiales para la producción de calzado.
The only shoe factory left in Sweden is looking for bags, gloves and other accessories as well as materials like leather, sole material and other components for its shoe...
Ref. BRCZ20241113012 Empresa checa busca fabricantes OEM de muebles
A furniture company from Czech Republic is looking for reliable partner to outsource manufacturing capacity. Looking for a manufacturer with classic woodworking machinery who...