Models & Simulators for Open Surgery

Contact Details

Jordi Salvador

(+34) 624 402 867

Pl. Periodista Antonio Andújar, 13 Local, 02005 – Albacete

About Us

SimuVasc is a highly experienced company specializing in hands-on vascular education and comprehensive surgical skills support throughout Europe.

With over 15 years of dedicated service, SimuVasc has played an active role in providing top-notch vascular simulation training courses for aspiring vascular surgeons and young consultants. Our workshops are renowned for their exceptional quality, emphasizing practical experience with lifelike models and advanced simulators. Originating in Spain, our courses have expanded across various European regions.

At SimuVasc, we offer affordable hands-on workshops meticulously designed to enhance open surgical skills. Our primary focus is on providing practical training and step-by-step practice for a wide range of open vascular surgery procedures. During our workshops, our esteemed SV tutors generously share their valuable insights and expert tips.

As a company committed to the advancement and evaluation of hands-on surgical training, SimuVasc works closely with esteemed international and national vascular surgery societies, as well as trusted industry partners.

Our models enjoy regular utilization in prestigious vascular surgery workshops, including renowned events such as the Annual Meeting of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), European Vascular Course (EVC), Porto Vascular Conference (PVC), Paris Vascular Insights (PVI), and the Advanced Vascular Surgical Skills & Simulation Assessment Program (AVSSSAP). Each year, SimuVasc models and simulators cater to the training needs of over 500 skilled vascular surgeons.

The SimuVasc curriculum encompasses both Basic and Advanced courses, covering vital areas such as anastomotic techniques, vascular access, vascular trauma, aortic surgeries, carotid procedures, and leg bypass operations.

All our products, including models and consumables, are meticulously crafted and developed in-house, with a primary focus on delivering an immersive and lifelike simulation experience for open vascular surgery.

Furthermore, SimuVasc products have been successfully integrated into Simulation Skills Centers and esteemed Vascular Surgery Departments across Europe, the USA, and Canada, ensuring widespread access to our cutting-edge resources.

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