May 7th 2024

Subsidies for participation in the visit to the SIAL Paris Fair October 19-23, 2024.

Today, May 7, 2024, it has been published in the Official Gazette Castile - La Mancha-DOCM, the Resolution of 30/04/2024 of the Foreign Promotion Institute of Castilla-La Mancha, which approves the call for the granting of subsidies for participation in the visit to the SIAL Paris Fair 2024 under the protection of Order 152/2022, of July 29, of the Ministry of Economy, Business and Employment.

El Castile-La Mancha Foreign Promotion Institute (IPEX),with the collaboration with the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Castilla-La Mancha (CECAM), promotes the participation of companies from Castilla-La Mancha in the VISIT TO THE SIAL PARIS FAIR which will take place from October 19-23 in Paris, France.

The execution of this action will have the technical support of the International Area from Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Albacete, FEDA-CEOE-CEPYME-ALBACETE and the collaboration of his Enterprise Europe Network, as well as the co-organization of their counterparts in the region: Business Federation of Ciudad RealFEEDConfederation of Businessmen of CuencaCEOE-CEPYME-CUENCAProvincial Confederation of Businessmen of Guadalajara, CEOE-CEPYME-GUADALAJARA y Toledo Business Federation FEDETO-CEOE-CEPYME-TOLEDO.    

The call is addressed to applicants from the sectors that carry out their economic activity in Castilla-La Mancha.

Cost of participation and assistance from IPEX:

Business investment: travel and lodging expenses of a person estimated in €1.575 (VAT not included).

A grant will be awarded for participation in the action of the 50% of justified expenses for the concepts and with the maximum amounts established in the call, maximum amount of the aid:

Trip for one person: €787,50

Companies interested in participating in the mission can Register from May 8 to June 8, 2024.

The maximum number of beneficiaries for this call will be 25 companies.

Award procedure and evaluation criteria:

The procedure for granting subsidies will be processed on a competitive basis, by comparing the applications submitted in order to establish a priority between them with a maximum of 100 points and in accordance with the assessment criteria established in article 10. of Order 152/2022, of July 29, of the Ministry of Economy, Business and Employment, and indicated below, and award, with the limit established within the available credit, those that have obtained the highest rating in the phase evaluation:

a) Existence in the company of its own or external export department, made up of qualified personnel specialized in internationalization. It will be valued with a maximum of 30 points, with the following breakdown:

 1st. External department: 15 points.

2nd. Own department: 30 points.

b) Provision by the applicant of a web page in several languages. It will be valued with a maximum of 30 points, with the following breakdown:

1st. Web page in Spanish and English: 15 points.

2nd. Web page in Spanish, English and other languages: 30 points.

c) Number of editions in which the promotion action object of the IPEX call has been participated. It will be valued with a maximum of 30 points, with the following breakdown:

 1st. More than 3 editions, 10 points.

2nd. From 1 to 3 editions, 20 points.

3rd. Never been involved in action, 30 points.

In the event that it is the first edition of an action, the criterion that will be taken into account will be the number of actions in which you have participated in the 12 months prior to the publication of the call, with the following breakdown:

1st. More than 3 actions, 10 points.

2nd. From 1 to 3 actions, 20 points.

3rd. No action, 30 points.

d) If the applicant carries out his economic activity in any of the territories of the municipalities considered priority areas, regulated in Law 5/2017, of November 30, on Economic Stimulus of Priority Areas of Castilla-La Mancha, and that have been established in the Annex to Decree 52/2018, of July 31, on the geographical delimitation of priority areas in Castilla-La Mancha. It will be valued with 10 points.

The requirement to establish an order of priority among the applications submitted that meet the established requirements is excepted in the event that the credit stated in the call is sufficient, taking into account the number of applications once the submission period has ended.

In accordance with the provisions of article 14, sections 2 and 3, of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, all procedures related to the procedure for granting subsidies regulated in This call will be made by electronic means

Additional Information: 

 SIAL is, together with Anuga, the main agri-food fair in Europe. In the 2022 edition, SIAL brought together more than 7.000 exhibitors representing 126 countries, 17 of which participated in the fair for the first time. 88% of the exhibitors were of international origin, which demonstrates the global nature of the fair. Spain attended with 465 companies, one of the main exhibiting countries at SIAL 2022.

Almost a total of 2022 visitors from 5 countries gathered at SIAL 300.000 over the 194 days of the show. Over 50% of these participants were importers/exporters and 8.000 high-level buyers with a combined purchasing portfolio of more than €50.000 billion.

CECAM offers companies the following set of additional services:

Destination support: The team of FEDA International Area will travel with companies to Paris to help you with any issue that may arise.

Displacement and stay: Each company will be responsible for the accommodation and travel expenses of the company representative in the action, however, both CECAM and FEDA and in accordance with what is stated in the call, will make available to the company, a flight schedule and pre-selected hotel, which has the added value of being permanently in contact with the team deployed there, as well as the opportunity to maintain contact with the rest of the companies participating in the visit.

You can download the call and annexes at the bottom of this news.

If you have any questions about it, you can contact directly with the FEDA International Area


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