April 2th 2024

Information day Cluster 5 in Ciudad Real: Mobility and Energy of Horizon Europe (HE)


On April 8 there will be a conference on Cluster 5: Mobility and Energy, within the framework of Horizon Europe.

During the day, the speakers, Mr. Juan Francisco Reyes Sánchez and Ms. Cristina Garrido Gonzalo, NCPs of Mobility and Energy respectively, will present the upcoming calls for Cluster 5 in Horizon Europe and other related programs, as well as research opportunities. Strategic aspects of the cluster, rules for participation in calls and recommendations for the success of the proposals will also be addressed.

The possibility of organizing bilateral meetings with National Contact Points (NCPs) will be offered to discuss ideas and strategies for proposed projects. To request these meetings, you can send an email to ope@uclm.es before April 4.

In addition, two successful examples will be presented: one from the university and another that involves multiple companies from the Castilla-La Mancha region.

REGISTRATION AND PROGRAM: https://eventos.uclm.es/112388/detail/jornada-informativa-cluster-5-movilidad-y-energia-de-horizonte-europa-he.html



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