2 de noviembre de 2017

“In Aiplast we have invested in developing new materials”

Aiplast Ltd has worked more than 30 years. It is a company which makes flexible material to pack products related to food, industrial and farming sectors. This company has two centres of production, one in La Roda and another one in Valmojado (Toledo). Both of them are constantly innovating to offer the best products.

Carlos Vicente García is the General Manager and we have talked to him to know better the work in his company.

QUESTION: For people who don’t know you. What is Aiplast Ltd and what does it do?

ANSWER: “Aiplast is a company which makes flexible material for automatic and handmade packing, with more than 30 years of experience in the sector, where we do the process of flexographic printing of high quality and with the latest technology”.

Q.: What countries is Aiplast in?

A.: “We are mainly in Spain, although we have clients in near countries, such as France, Morocco and Portugal”.

Q.:  In your sector, improving constantly and innovating are important. Have you recently invested? 

A.: “Of course. Our market is related to the conservation of the food, so it is linked to the durability of the packed product. That’s why Aiplast has invested in developing new materials to extend the life cycle”.

Q.: Why do you think your company is successful in being competitive in the market?

A.: “Updating constantly and adapting to the necessities of our clients”.

Q.: You are member of Albacete Association of Importers and Exporters ADIEX. How do you see the work done from the association?

A.: “ADIEX is doing a very good job. Everything to support the product commercialisation and make easier exportation is very positive”.

Q.: What aspects do you think should improve from ADIEX?

A.: “We don’t need any specific necessity. They are doing a good job”.

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