13 de noviembre de 2017

“Our job is to make wines to attract and to be liked in all the markets”

Between rivers Júcar and Cabriel we can find Bodegas Vitivinos. It was founded in 1969 and nowadays, it has more than 1500 hectares of vineyards. With more than 40 years of history, the winery has combined different processes of wine fermentation to get the best expectations of its native varieties.

One of its responsibles is Jorge García Cuenca, and he explains us in detail the work that Bodegas Vitivinos does.

QUESTION: For people who don’t know you. What is Bodegas Vitivinos and what does it do?

ANSWER: “Bodegas Vitivinos is a winery of Villamalea, with nearly 50 years of existence. Its main difference in the market is that it is a wine maker with native varieties, especially Bobal, from La Manchuela Region”.

Q.: What countries is Bodegas Vitivinos in?

A.: “Bodegas Vitivinos is in whole Europe, USA, China, Vietnam, Cape Verde and in South America. Nowadays we are making an effort to consolidate our presence in markets such as Taiwan and Japan, where they appreciate our products”.

Q.:  innovation and improving are important in your products? Have you recently invested? 

A.: “Of course, our efforts and continuous improvement help us offer the demanding product in diverse markets. A consumer who knows European or American wine will ask for a different wine from a Chinese consumer. In the same way, tastes and combinations are different in many countries. Our job is to detect those diverse sensitivities and preferences and to make wines to attract all the markets. Getting this is only possible with the direct communication between the commercial part and the winemaking one, with the support of new tools of making, control and analysis”.

Q.: Why do you think your company is successful in being competitive in the market?

A.: “From Bodegas Vitivinos we work to offer our clients our best wine products to be in their best moments. Apart from that, we are looking for the excellence in the service and the best value for money”.

Q.: You are member of Albacete Association of Importers and Exporters ADIEX. How do you see the work done from the association?

A.: “The work in advice and formation of ADIEX allows us to introduce our wines in the countries with more confidence and security, with the help of a group of professionals qualified to support and help in all the aspects of internationalization”.

Q.: What aspects do you think should improve from ADIEX?

A.: “Maybe a chance of agreement with other international associations will help us identify possible opportunities of business and potential international clients to offer our products and services”.

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