April 4th 2024

Success story: Ice Cubinava

From the FEDA Investment Support Service  We want to share with you a success story of a company associated with the making of an important and large investment.

CUBINAVA ICE is a consolidated company dedicated to the manufacture of ice for sale. We can affirm that it is one of the companies with the greatest capacity for producing cubed ice in the region. From CUBINAVA ICE A wide variety of products are offered, ranging from traditional cubed ice to products such as flake ice, pellet ice and crushed ice. It has specialized machinery and labor and its facilities are dedicated solely to the production of ice, which provides a clear difference compared to its competition.

From the FEDA Investment Support Service Technical and management advice has been provided to obtain funds that allow the improvement of its facilities and the acquisition of machinery and furniture. The objective of the project is to invest in new production machinery and improve the floor of the warehouses.

Thanks to this investment, production capacity will be optimized and expanded, both by increasing the space allocated for production and by incorporating machinery with the latest technological updates, providing greater value to the company's entire supply chain. In turn, safety in working conditions will be improved; In this way, it will establish itself as a model company in the ice production sector.

From the FEDA Investment Support Service We have processed your application for aid from the LEADER 2024-2027 Program managed by the “Asociación Grupo de Desarrollo Rural Sierra de Alcaraz y Campo de Montiel”, presenting the project mentioned above. Thanks to this request, whose investment cost is around 379.000€, will receive a subsidy of approximately 245.000€.

We want to highlight the company CUBINAVA ICE as a clear example to follow. We encourage the rest of our companies to optimize their processes and compete in the market by improving and implementing new facilities and technologies in their companies! 

If your company is considering developing a project like the one we have presented, contact us Through our FEDA Investment Support Service and our team will offer you the appropriate information and advice for your business

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